Russia · Moscow
The original church with a high altar dedicated to SS. Boris and Gleb was there since the second half of the 14th century (to the south of the now-existing church, as archaeological data evidence) and appeared, most likely, as a house church of a rich estate owned by merchants. The wooden church was named after SS. Boris and Gleb. It was first ment...
Europe · Austria · Vienna
Moscow Oblast · Russia · Reutov
In the 1990s, an Orthodox community was formed in Reutov. At first, services were conducted in a flat, but the mayor took the trouble to establish a church. The whole city participated in the construction. In less than three years, the church was erected to the design of the architect M. Pankratov. On 3 October 1999, it was consecrated.
The Chur...
Russia · Moscow
Construction of the Church of Our Lady of Kazan was planned by Michael Romanov, the first Russian Tsar of the house of Romanov. He wanted to build it in memory of the deliverance from the 1612 Polish intervention. However, the Church was constructed as late as in 1651 during the reign of Aleksey Romanov and timed to the birth of his son and heir Ts...
Baltic Sea · Russia · Saint Petersburg
The acres at the intersection of Narvsky and Staro-Petergofsky Avenues, where the Valaam Town House is situated today, were owned by the Old Ladoga Dormition Convent in the early 20th century. The age of the Monastery and the Town House is reckoned from July 1905. In 1910, the main altar was consecrated in honour of the Our Lady of Kazan Icon.
Mediterranean Sea · Greece · Athens
Mediterranean Sea · Italy · Venice
Russia · Moscow
According to historians, it is quite probable that the Church of Sophia the Holy Wisdom of God emerged due to the settlement of former Novgorod inhabitants in Moscow in the late 15th century. The street laid out here was named Sofiyskaya Street, after the Church.
The now-existing Church was built in 1692 on the site of a wooden church, which was...
Volga River · Russia · Yaroslavl
In the early 17th century, two suburban wooden churches stood on the future site of the Monastery in Sovetskaya Street (then Proboynaya Street), the Church of Resurrection and the Church of SS. Cyril and Athanasius. According to legend, the construction of the Monastery is connected with the deliverance of the city from the pestilence in 1612, when...