The Arsenal, a museum of weapons, is a branch of the Historical Museum of Lviv.
The Arsenal was built in 1554–1556, but the original building was almost completely destroyed by a fire in 1571. The building was rebuilt as soon as in 1574–1575.
In the Arsenal, weapons were not only stored, but also manufactured and repaired.
During the 1704 Swedish invasion, the Arsenal was destroyed, but rebuilt again in 2 years. In the 18th century, the Arsenal was also used as a prison.
In 18th and 19th centuries, having been rebuilt many times, the Arsenal lost its original appearance.
In 1979–1981, the Arsenal was restored.
Since 1981, the Arsenal has been housing exhibitions of the Museum, which presents samples of ancient weapons from over 30 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America.
The exhibitions are organised chronologically, by weapon type and by place of manufacture.
By the present time, the higher levels of the Museum have been restored, and the original interior and appearance (for example, the original brickwork of the walls, the design of the roof and windows) have been reconstructed.
The Lviv Palace of Arts (the Palace, for short) was opened in 1996 to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine.
The Palace is a unique exhibition complex of 8,700 square metres (94,000 square feet); it is situated among architectural landmarks in the centre of Lviv.
The main purpose of the Palace is to organise activitie...
The Rusalka Dnistrova Museum is a branch of Lviv Art Gallery that is situated in the Tower of the Holy Spirit, a monument of the 18th century architecture.
The exhibitions of the museum introduce the original copy of the Rusalka Dnistrova (the Dniester Mermaid) almanac and the history of its conception and publishing to visitors....
In 1966, the Museum of the History of Pharmaceutics was established on the base of an old pharmacy opened as early as 1732 г. by Notorp, military pharmacist. In 1972, the Museum was awarded the title of National.
The ancient interior of the pharmacy's sales area has been preserved. The ceiling painted with polychrome in the early 19th century by...